Meet the Author: WCVB’s Ted Reinstein
Published January 23rd, 2024

Tuesday, February 6th, at 7 pm in the meeting room.
Ted Reinstein will discuss his book: Before Brooklyn: The Unsung Heroes Who Helped Break Baseball’s Color Barrier
In April of 1945, exactly two years before Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in major league baseball, liberal Boston City Councilman Izzy Muchnick persuaded the Red Sox to try out three black players in
return for a favorable vote to allow the team to play on Sundays. The Red Sox got the
councilman’s much-needed vote, but the tryout was a sham; the three players would get no closer
to the major leagues. It was a lost battle in a war that was ultimately won by Robinson in 1947.
This book tells the story of the little-known heroes who fought segregation in baseball, from
communist newspaper reporters to the Pullman car porters who saw to it that black newspapers
espousing integration in professional sports reached the homes of blacks throughout the country.
It also reminds us that the first black player in professional baseball was not Jackie Robinson but
Moses Fleetwood Walker in 1884, and that for a time integrated teams were not that unusual.
And then, as segregation throughout the country hardened, the exclusion of blacks in baseball
quietly became the norm, and the battle for integration began anew.
About the Author
Ted Reinstein has been a reporter for “Chronicle,” WCVB-TV/Boston’s
award-winning—and America’s longest-running, locally-produced—
nightly news magazine since 1997. In addition, he has been a contributor
for the station’s political roundtable show and sits on WCVB’s editorial
board. He lives just west of Boston with his wife and two daughters. He is
also the author of New England Notebook (Globe, 2013) and Wicked Pissed
(Globe, 2016).
Please note this program is in person and will not be recorded.
Thanks to the Friends of the Bedford Free Public Library for sponsoring this program. Free and open to the public.