Zero Waste Kids

TUESDAY, AUGUST 29th 7:00—8:00 PM – Online

Online – Zero Waste Kids: Birthdays, Lunches, and More with Sarah Robertson-Barnes

We’ll dig into practical tips to make your children’s birthday parties and school lunches eco-friendly and low waste. We’ll also be discussing how kids, families, and communities can be more sustainable as some towns/cities/states move towards free lunches for all. 

Sarah Robertson-Barnes, founder of the Sustainable in the Suburbs blog, is a freelance writer, educator, and consultant. She lives with her husband, two kids, and rescue dog outside of Toronto, Ontario. Sustainable in the Suburbs is a resource for living low waste with kids in a culture of convenience.

A Note from Sarah: A sustainable lifestyle with kids is not only possible, but critically important for our future and theirs. I hope that by sharing what works for our family, you are inspired to make changes in your daily life too!

Please register for this event, you’ll receive the zoom link in the confirmation and reminder emails. 

All ages are welcome!

Please register at

This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Ashland Public Library. We are pleased to be partnering with the Ashland Sustainability CommitteeGreenUp Ashland, and a multitude of MA Libraries for this event. 

Author: rcallaghan