Q & A with Author Gail Sahar:

Monday, October 2nd, 7:00—8:30 PM


Q & A with Author Gail Sahar: REGISTER

Have you been asking yourself “what does culture war even mean” and “what does it mean to be ‘woke'” and how do these questions contribute to the current divide in America? If you have, please join us for this conversation with Professor Gail Sahar, author of “Blame and Political Attitudes: The Psychology of America’s Culture War”.

Please register: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/6816865946302/WN_CFZcUDnBS4W-0B1nGoDZMg

This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Ashland Public Library and in partnership with a multitude of MA Libraries. We thank the Bellingham Library for bringing this book and author to our attention. 

Author: rcallaghan