November Homeschool Book Club

Welcome to a new and updated Homeschool Book Club!  Kids from the middle of grade school up through high school are invited to join in a monthly discussion of great books.  The ages listed for the two discussion groups are approximate.  Please join in the discussion that best fits your interests and reading abilities.  Both groups meet from 10:30-11:30am.

Younger: ages 8-11 (Meeting Room)

(Led by Bethany)

Please read Bunnicula by James Howe

Though scoffed at by Harold the dog, Chester the cat tries to warn his human family that their foundling baby bunny must be a vampire.  No worries: this book is more silly than scary!

Grownups and younger siblings are welcome to join the conversation or wait in the Children’s Room.


Older: ages 12+ (Reference Room)

(Led by Pam)

Please read  SHIP BREAKER by Paolo Bacigalupi.
In a futuristic world, teenaged Nailer scavenges copper wiring from grounded oil tankers for a living, but when he finds a beached clipper ship with a girl in the wreckage, he has to decide if he should strip the ship for its wealth or rescue the girl. 

You can bring along book suggestions for the future! Grown-ups are welcome to participate! This age group meets in the 2nd floor Reference Meeting Room.


Author: paghababian