On Exhibit in the Gallery…
Published September 16th, 2019

Three Printmakers * Three Friends
A Journey in Art and Friendship
September 12-November 15, 2019.
Artists reception: Sunday, October 20th, 5-6 pm at the Library.
Printmakers, Anita Feld, Maria Green and Doris Smith have been printing together for several years and have studied printmaking at the DeCordova Museum, Middlesex Community College and at the Maud Morgan Center for the Arts as well as taking other printmaking workshops in the area.
“Each of us has our own distinctive styles in our printmaking using woodblocks to create relief prints as well as creating Intaglio prints. Our work includes themes of nature and as well as places we have visited, but also includes our experimentations with the different techniques of this medium.”
“The three of us were friends and artists before we shared our passion for printmaking. We collaborate and share new techniques as well as critiquing our work together. Our friendship has grown as we have continued down this path together.”
This exhibit would not be possible without assistance from the Friends of the Bedford Free Public Library.
The public is invited to view the exhibit during regular library hours.