On Exhibit in the Gallery…
Published March 14th, 2019

GEORGE HERMAN: Drive-by Painting.
From the Artist:
Every work of art is a monument of sorts…taking something as mundane as a stick, a telephone pole, a backyard shed…and turning it into something to be admired (or not)…to be thought-provoking, inspiring, worthy of adulation or merely consideration…A small, seemingly insignificant thing can be preserved as something that is monumental in feeling, if not necessarily in size. The things I tend to paint are things that are incidental to something else I’m looking at, somewhere else I’m going, or occur in the process of becoming something else. Thus, a stick, a vernal pool, the view from my studio window, or from a passing train.
for more works by George Herman, visit : http://www.geherman.com/#
This exhibit would not be possible without assistance from the Friends of the Bedford Free Public Library.
The public is invited to view the exhibit during regular library hours.