On Exhibit in the Gallery….
Published May 10th, 2018

Following the Muse
Works by Artists: Sandra Gregg & Anne Sargent Walker
May 10-July 11
Sandra Gregg
The inspiration for Sandra’s work comes from the interaction of color, place and nature. She begins with the fabric (or paper) and a variety of techniques. She often works on a number of pieces simultaneously because she works intuitively and needing time to study the work on the design wall before deciding her next step. Text is a common element in her work, as it can provide texture and meaning. Sandra looks for a balance of light, line, color, space and form in her creations.
Anne Sargent Walker
Anne’s semi abstract paintings in oil and acrylic often combine fragments of vintage wall paper, painted birds, jumping men, and other images which explore our relationship to the natural world. Most recently Anne has been compelled to express her concerns over environmental issues. She attributes her interests in nature to childhood summers in Vermont with a naturalist father, and her continuing engagement with the rural Vermont landscape.
This exhibit would not be possible without assistance from the Friends of the Bedford Free Public Library.
The public is invited to view the exhibit during regular library hours.