Bulletin Board Policy

Bulletin Board Posting Guidelines

Materials will be posted on bulletin boards from nonprofit groups and agencies on a
space available basis. When space is limited, preference will be given to events or
groups that are near Bedford geographically or which are closer in time on the calendar.

The library does not post for-profit materials even when the event has educational or
cultural value. For example, author talks at bookstores or for-profit dance lessons would
not be posted. However, reference staff are available to locate information about these

Events sponsored by political groups and/or featuring political candidates, that are open
to the public, with or without charge, may be posted, but literature promoting a specific
candidate may not.

Job openings will be posted for local, state, and federal government positions only.
Items must be posted by library staff only. Unauthorized items will be removed.
Interpretation of these guidelines is the responsibility of the Library Director.

Approved by the Bedford Free Public Library Board of Trustees: November 2021.